In order to guarantee high-quality requirements and requirements documentation, it is important to consider a suitable quality assurance strategy early on. Our consultants assist you in defining how much quality you actually need to achieve in your organization, using quality assurance techniques to evaluate the required quality and making your achievements more transparent using a specific guideline. By standardizing the processes of validating and consolidating your documentations, you get comparable results and can simultaneously and steadily improve your quality assurance. The use of aiding tools, such as checklists, the SOPHIST Set of REgulations or the SOPHIST MASTER (ImMAculate Sophist TEmplates for Requirements) also improve the quality of your requirements in the long run. 


Quality Metrics

In order for you to correctly assess the risks that exist for your project and take appropriate measures to counter them, you first need to have correctly determined the quality of your requirements. Using quality metrics, you can determine the degree to which your requirements documents comply with specific quality criteria and make an objective estimation of the actual quality standards. A quality metric is a calculated ratio of a sample’s quality criterion as a subset of your requirements documents. This sample helps to draw conclusions for the quality of the specification in its entirety.


Next to prototype, test case, and analysis model, the techniques to test the quality assurance of requirements include the review on the basis of quality criteria. This method is often used to unveil abnormalities in a requirements document. A review can be executed either in a one-on-one-setting, with all participants or in a fixed and clearly defined circle of people. Our consultants can also support you in executing a review. Together, you will first of all decide upon what the goals and main focuses of the review are, before validating and consolidating individual requirements and requirement documents according to the agreed-upon criteria. The results are being documented in the form of comments and suggestions in order to improve the requirements’ quality. In a subsequent workshop with all project members, the results of the review are being discussed and revised.

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