There are different standards and norms to solve organizational, technical or methodological problems. They can follow different goals and can/should be used in different phases of software and system development. Standards and norms are based on the secure knowledge of industry, science and technology. With their principles for a unified approach they ensure constant quality.


Using a norm or standard offers a number of advantages. When defining a process, it can be based on something existing without inventing something new. Furthermore, the work results and processes are standardized and a unified procedure can be ensured. The use of norms and standards also regulates and promotes the communication, division of labor, interchangeability and responsibility in a project or in a company. With a standardized procedure, new projects can be calculated better and the quality of the developed system can be increased. But there are also a few disadvantages. In many cases, norms and standards are often taken over completely, without thinking about how they fit in with the company's internal structures and the conditions of the project. Likewise, setting fixed processes can lead to inflexibility and, with that, to negative effects. Often, the attention in a norm or standard is set too high on the documentation, so that, without an adaptation, this can lead to a "flood of paper". An excessive demand for management functions can also have negative consequences for a project.


Norms and Standards in System & Software Development Projects

Regarding system- / software development, you might come into contact with the following norms and standards:

  • ISO/IEC 9126 Norm: Software Engineering - Product Quality
  • ISO/IEC 25000 Norm: Software Engineering - Software Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation
  • ISO/IEC 9000 Norm: Quality Management Systems
  • ISO/IEC 9001 Norm: Quality Management Systems - Requirements
  • ISO/IEC 26262 Norm: Functional Safety
  • ISO/IEC 12207 – Standard for Information Technology – Software life cycle processes
  • ISO/IEC 15504 Norm: SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination) and Automotive SPICE as a domain-specific variant
  • IEEE Standards Board: IEEE Std 29148-2011. IEEE Systems and Software Engineering - Life Cycle Process - Requirements Engineering
  • DIN Norm 66272: Evaluating Software Products: Characteristics of quality and manual on their Use
  • CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
  • GPM (Good Manufacturing Practice)


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