Requirements management is a sub-discipline of requirements engineering. It describes the principles and methods to file requirements and other relevant information so that everyone can find what they need. The requirements engineering guideline, as the central document, supports the implementation of the principles and methods.
To make requirement specifications manageable, specialized requirements management or modeling tools are used. They should be adapted to the company-specific development process and the requirements engineering methods.
Requirements management includes measures which support requirements analysis and the further use of requirements. These measures include:
To define the lifecycle of a requirement or other relevant information, it is important to proceed in a structured way. This is ensured by different methods for managing requirements:
From a certain specification scope, the use of a professional requirements management tool is essential. If you are looking for a convenient tool, it is important to select a tool that maps the previously defined requirements engineering process. It would be fatal being compelled to design a new process based on the specifications of the tool. The topic data migration from former requirements management solutions should not be ignored as well.
Common requirements management tools on the market are:
The following tools are common for modeling requirements:
The introduction of requirements management is part of the introduction of requirements engineering. This is usually equated with the introduction of a requirements management tool. To ensure a successful introduction of the methods of requirements management and a corresponding tool, it is important to develop an introductory concept. This contains successful concepts for marketing and knowledge transfer and defines the criteria for suitable pilot projects.
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